Saturday, September 3, 2011

Healthy Minds, Active Participants

While we have only one recess in the middle of the school day, our class takes additional breaks during the day. The first one falls between "Read to Self" and "Read to Someone" time, and the second one falls between Math and Social Studies.

During these five minute breaks, we play a variety of games, energizers, and team-building activities.  To name a few, we have played Frogger, Buzz, Who Started It?, What's Changed?, Barnyard Babble, and a variety of Jammin' Minutes.  The pictures here required each table group to stand on two touching sheets of paper without having any part of their feet touching the ground.  They came up with some great ideas!

After we've finished, we meet as a class on the carpet to briefly discuss the event.  I'll ask open ended questions such as "Why would we do something like this?" or "How is this activity like our real lives?"  Since most games require teamwork, skill, and planning, the kids realize that even during energizers, we are continuously learning.

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