Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A "Landmark" Math Lesson

We have reached new heights with our data collection!  After learning about maximum and minimum, median, mode, and range, we put together all of this information to analyze...our HEAD SIZES!

The results:

With a maximum of 57 centimeters and a minimum of 51 centimeters, our range totaled 6 centimeters (57-51=6).  We discovered the mode (most often occurring) was 55, as seven kids had the head size of 55 centimeters in circumference.

After finding these landmarks, we wondered what size was exactly in the middle.  After lining up the sizes from smallest to biggest, we took the smallest and the biggest down at the same time.  After repeating this 12 times, we were left with two head sizes of 54 centimeters.  Thus, 54 was our median.

I have shown the kids that data collection can happen almost anywhere:  test scores, head sizes, books read, or even in a game of 4-square.  Look for it around your house.  Oh, and by the way, ask your child about the fun gestures we do to help us represent these landmarks!

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