Monday, April 1, 2013

Updates for the Week of April 1

Good afternoon!  We had a great first day of Iowa Assessments (formerly known as Iowa Tests of Basic Skills) today.  Thanks for having the kids ready to go!

Here’s a look at our week:

Math àThe kids will continue working with percents, specifically converting them to decimals and fractions.  Each table also started tracking their chosen baseball team to collect real-world data.

Reading àI introduced “Rube Goldberg Machines” to introduce the comprehension skill “Cause and Effect”.  We will work on this quite a bit these last several weeks of school (also, it is part of the report card).  Additionally, make sure your child works with his/her spelling words each night as s/he has in the past (5 minutes or so).

Social Studies à  The kids are continuing to learn about life in the Southwest.  Their collages from last week look awesome, and this week brings information about economies, industry, and natural features including the Hoover Dam and the Rio Grande.

Science à  Later this week, each student will have an opportunity to go on a rock collection hunt at home.  Details are attached – if you have any extra 12-egg cartons, send them this way J!  We will use these samples throughout our Earth Materials unit.

Behavior à  The kids will be focusing on giving their personal best efforts throughout the day.  This has never really been a problem, but since Iowa Assessments are this week, this topic is more relevant than ever.

Other àA big thanks goes to everyone who is bringing in snacks this week.  The kids are certainly excited about having morning snack this week!  Also, there will be a few updates on our blog this week.  For extra practice, make sure your child sees these games.  I’ll show them off at school as well.  Lastly, shuttle week is next week.  If you’re interested in helping construction on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 1:00-2:15, send me a note!
  1. Percents, Decimals, Fractions
  2. Cause and Effect
  3. Southwest Economy
  4. Rock Collection
  5. Personal Best Always!

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