Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Space Shuttle Construction - We Need Your Help!

Our space shuttle construction is almost here!  Next week, all three fourth grade classrooms will be working on building a space shuttle simulation in conjunction with our studies of the Southwestern United States.  I am hoping families from our class are able to help one way or another.

Karaoke Machines

To help project our voices, we have used karaoke machines in the past.  If you have a karaoke machine you are willing to loan to this project, please let me know.  You are welcome to bring them in any time next week, and you will have it back at the end of the day on Friday.

Parent Volunteers

Having parent volunteers also makes this project work a lot smoother.  Our construction times, for both Monday and Tuesday, will be from 1:00-2:15.  If you are able to help, let me know.  There is no limit on the amount of volunteers we need – the more, the better!  Simply let me know if one of these afternoon times works for you.

Thanks again for everything you do to help support our class’s learning.  This is a wonderful project that the kids will remember for a long time.

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