Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Updates for the Week of January 22, 2013

Good afternoon, everyone.  I hope you enjoyed your three day weekend (if you had one…unlike me!).

First, and selfishly most importantly, your child brought home two sheets tonight.  The blue sheet had information of my graduate research project and the white sheet was a Sunday-Saturday schedule.  I want to clear a few items up.  First, the weekly schedule your child brought home isn’t for this particular week; rather, it is a generic, typical week.  What I’m trying to get out of each schedule is how much your child allocates free time in different areas.  Second, I realize that every week is slightly different.  I’m looking for generalizations.  For example, when your child returns the schedule tomorrow, I want to look and see “2 hours of basketball practice on Thursdays” and “15 minutes of reading each night” and “30 minutes of television each night”.  In the coming weeks, I’ll be tallying these more specific results.

Science!  The kids have been exploring magnetism.  Pictures will be posted on the blog this week.  Remember to keep checking the blog for tutorials, support videos, and pictures within the classroom.

Social Studies!  The kids have recently finished learning about the Southeast (you may have seen the final project – a quilt square research project).  We have moved into a time era rather than a region of the US.  We will be exploring the 1870s-1920s, know as the Gilded and Progressive Eras.  This will include the concept of capitalism, child labor, and tenement housing.

Math!  We will be finishing our unit on division this week.  The kids have this almost completely mastered, and they will be the first to tell you how much easier it is when they know their multiplication facts.  Next up…fractions.  www.KhanAcademy.org has some GREAT activities to support your child, so if you haven’t signed up, make sure to do so this week J.

Reading!  The kids have continued working on fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and phonics.  These are the foundations that make reading United States novels, nonfiction Science articles, and anything else under the sun possible!

Lastly, the conference schedules will be posted in a few days.  I can’t believe all that has been going on lately…and always, I suppose!  Please let me know if you every have any concerns or questions about anything.

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