Monday, January 28, 2013

Updates for 1-28-13

Here’s a quick look at this week.

Math à  The kids will take their next Iowa CORE Math Test on Tuesday and Wednesday.  This will show their growth over the course of fourth grade so far.  This test is aligned with the Core Curriculum that Iowa and 44 other states have set.  More info here:

After tacking that test, the students will celebrate the 100th day of school with a special math lesson…pictures to come.  We will also begin exploring fractions this week.  Those on Khan Academy can find a plethora of practice activities.

Reading à  The kids will be reading some nonfiction revolving around the importance of energy in our lives.  We will be discussing author’s purpose, as well as practicing phonics, vocabulary, and fluency.

Science à  This week we will begin exploring circuits!  Do you know the difference between series circuits and parallel circuits.  I’ll give you a clue:  think Clark Griswold’s Christmas lights.  He thought that if one goes out, they’d all go out (series circuits).  However, we mostly see lights that will stay on even if one goes out (parallel circuits).  An awesome kit to explore electricity is posted below.  Again, I don’t get any royalties for this.  However, the kids that use this are incredibly engaged and motivated!  The one posted is the most basic, but there are lots of other more advanced Snap Circuit sets:
Social Studies à  We have been exploring the differences between capitalism, socialism, and communism.  This week we will look at people who preformed very well during the Progressive Era, including JP Morgan and John Rockefeller, as well as other “robber barons”.

*Conferences are coming up – please sign up down in the office as soon as possible.*

Thanks, and make it a great week!

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