Sunday, November 11, 2012

This Week Before Thanksgiving

Math - Our next unit is focused on large numbers (more specifically, learning how to multiply multidigit numbers).  Through many formative (informal) assessments, I am aware of the students who need some extra practice with basic multiplication.  I will keep you posted and also send materials/websites home to practice throughout the year.  Additionally, I will be teaching a couple different ways to multiply multidigit numbers.  One is called the "Area Model".  From this, kids will have a great visual representation of what actually happens when multiplying large numbers.  

Area Models for Multiplication

After this understanding has been developed, we will explore the traditional method: 

Traditional Method of Multi-digit Multiplication

Reading - This is the last week for the novels Turtle in Paradise and The Young Man and the Sea.  Students will be using the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy (Creation) to create their final projects.  On Thursday, we will also take our Unit 2 test, which checks comprehension, vocabulary, and text features.

Social Studies - We will move from the Northeast Region to the Southeastern Region for the next 4-5 weeks.  We will be exploring many concepts including traditions, populations, geography, and economy.  Again, if you have any artifacts/pictures from the Southeastern Region, feel free to send them to class!

Science - We have recently finished our Human Body unit.  Our next unit is Magnetism and Electricity.  For those looking for early shopping items, I HIGHLY recommend Snap Circuits.  I have this one ( in class for indoor recess, and kids have loved playing with it, seeing what they can build.  There are more advanced as well as simpler versions of this as well...and it certainly provides highly motivational engagement during the winter months!

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