Thursday, November 8, 2012

Game Day and Khan Academy

So the news is spreading like wildfire!  About 18 kids have signed up for Khan Academy, and students are racking up knowledge (and points) during and outside of school hours!  To prep for our test tomorrow, students spent time playing decimal computer games (here!) and passing decimal exercises on Khan Academy (here!).

Khan Academy rocks!
Just as a notice, your child took home the Unit 4 pretest I use to differentiate lessons.  This has two purposes: 1.) to show the kids how much they have learned over the course of the past 2.5 weeks; 2.) to be used as a study guide.  Anything that can be done on that pretest will be easier on the post test.  Also, there is no need to return the Unit 4 pretest - it's for your child's use at home.

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