Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Electric!

Nothing gets me going quite as much as "The Electric Slide" during our electricity unit! What perfect transition music!

The class had the opportunity to carry out one of the best features of science: the controlled experiment. To begin, the kids made predictions about how many washers their electromagnets would pick up with 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 winds. After making predictions, they were ready to test those predictions.

We discovered that the more winds and the tighter the winds are will lead to a stronger electromagnet! I also explained how electromagnets are in a variety f different forms, including doorbells and computer hard drive.

The kids have really enjoyed this unit. I'm excited to explore earth materials next, as we not only get to look for awesome rocks and minerals, but we also get to try some different expire menus with those materials.

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