Monday, October 15, 2012

Tap Your Head and Rub Your Belly...Now Reverse!

After learning about our skeleton, muscles, and joints, it's time to put these systems into action! Over the next few lessons, the kids will learn about coordination. Starting our first activity today, the kids tested the speed of their left and right hands as well as their left and right feet. After much testing, we met as a class. It turns out that our experiment can't work correctly unless everyone performs the experiment in the exact same manner. Tomorrow, we will set some guidelines to make this experiment fair.

*Note: two words, 'stimulus' and 'response' will be used a lot over the next few days. Using them at home will be a helpful reinforcement (i.e., a buzzing fly - the stimulus - causes us to swat it - the response). it comes!
Whew!  Just in time!
Is my foot faster than my hand?

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