Monday, November 28, 2011

Multiplication Game of the Week - Time for a "Change"

Great news!  The class averaged 82% on their last 50-facts multiplication test.  That is an 8% increase from three weeks ago!  Additionally, this is the earliest one of my classes has scored over 80%!  Keep it up!

This week's math game is called Diaper Derby from  You have the option to choose any multiple or a range of multiples (i.e. 2-9 or 3-12).  To begin, customize your baby racer.  Next, answer the questions correctly and quickly to advance your racer.  Simply finish the race in first place to win!

As we prepare for the coming weeks, students will be learning and practicing how to solve multidigit multiplication problems. Again, the more fluent students are with their facts, the easier solving problems like this will be.  Best of luck, and keep practicing!

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